Breakfast, Dessert

Cinnamon Rolls (bread machine)

This is my absolute favorite breakfast treat to make! I don't do it very often, not because it's very difficult, but because from start to finish you've got about 2.5-3 hours time invested in these, and when it comes to breakfast, I don't like to wait. 😉 I made these for Valentine's Day breakfast, so… Continue reading Cinnamon Rolls (bread machine)

Breakfast, Dessert, Muffins, Snack, Vegetarian

Strawberry Chocolate Chip Muffins

Yesterday I posted my "On the Menu" plan for this week, where I planned on making homemade English Muffins or Black Bean Brownies as my "Recipe of the Week." It took me all of the time between blogging that and eating supper to decide on a different recipe for this week--ha! You see, I wasn't… Continue reading Strawberry Chocolate Chip Muffins

Breakfast, No-Bake, Snack, Vegetarian

Apple Oatmeal Smoothie

My goal is to try at least one new recipe each week, photograph it, and post it here for y'all to see. This week's experiment is an Apple Oatmeal Smoothie. First, let me say that I always, always, to a fault have high hopes for smoothies. Reading the descriptions and seeing the perfectly posed pictures… Continue reading Apple Oatmeal Smoothie